Thursday 21 April 2016

Final Evaluation

The Brief was about exploring animation. I was looking through a lot of newspaper articles the initial attraction of my article was that it was such a heart-warming story and I love animal’s especially cats. To create my animation I used black and white card and cut out the shapes using a cutting knife.  To make sure my camera stayed in the same position I used a tripod. I got my idea from when i was doing the cut-out workshop what I really liked about this was how it created an effect almost like a shadow puppet. The animation technique inspired me to create a cut out just using the silhouettes of the Lions and objects. The app I used to create my animation was i-motion the problems I had would I could not get it to save to my phone cause I did not have enough space on my phone so I had to delete some stuff I did not need. The colours I used in my animation contrast with each other which creates a stand out effect. The imagery I used in my animation all linked to the animals habitat. The mood I wanted to create from my animation was a sad start when the lions our being captured then as progress further thought the story and they get rescued the mood I wanted to be created is joyful. What I think went well was that my animation flowed smoothly. The thing that I think could be improved is having words so that some bits were not confusing. What I learned from this project was wide range of techniques in animation that I had never even thought off for example chalk animation and object animation. Also I learned the different types of animation programs I can use to create animations. Using the blog to record my process was effective because I could add gifs and videos but I thought I was bit awkward to add things such mind maps and other hand drawn stuff.

Monday 28 March 2016

Plan Thurs 24th- Wed 30th Deadline

Thurs 24th - Evaluate my Final Animation.
Fri 25th-Mon 28th - Add any work or evaluations to my blog, add some more artist research.

Peer Assessment of my blog

Peer 1

What worked well
She worked independently to meet all the assessment criteria.

What worked well
She has clear understanding of the work and has produced a high standard

Even Better If 
Add a few more post of how you got to each stage (Planning)

Peer 2

What worked well
Experimentation with  techniques

What worked well
Research into animators

Even Better If 

Peer 3

What worked well
Format of the blog

What worked well
The overall quality of each animation

Even Better If 
showed a little more planning and researched a few more animators.

Story Board

Interesting Newspaper Themes

Mind Map of Favorite Article 

Final Animation

The technique i decided on to create my final animation was the cutout technique. The reason i decided on this technique was because i thought i looked the most effective out of the different techniques i experimented. So i started out by cutting out the pieces i needed to create my animation. I cut out my pieces out of black card using a cutting knife and scissors the cutting knife was really good for cutting inside the cardboard to add detail. When i cutout all my pieces i stated filming my animation by placing the scenes onto the white card. I used my phone and tripod to film my animation using the tripod was very effective because it kept the camera in the same place. What i think was successful about my animation is way the lions moved fluidly across the scenery and my animation was not too long but it showed the key parts of the story. What i think could be improved is some parts were a bit confusing so in the future i could add writing to make the story let confusing.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Hand Drawn Animation

The materials i used for my hand drawn animation was a pencil on white paper. The reason i deiced on these materials was because i wanted to use something simple because i was going to be drawing it over and over again. Firstly i drew out my design then i would draw it again but i would change it slightly for example i would make the lion sit down or roar. Then i filmed the animation on my phone using i Motion. But because the paper was on A5  i could not put my camera on my tripod because it would be to far away so i had to just try and hold it in the same position. So in the future i would do my drawings on larger piece of paper so that i could put my camera on tripod. What i thought was successful about my animation was that it looked like my lion was moving and the camera position did not move to much to make my animation not work as  flowing.

Walt Disney

Walt Disney was born on Dec 05, 1901 in Chicago Illinois. Walt had a very early interest in art so much that he would often sell his drawing to neighbors for extra money.He pursed his art career further  by  studying art and photography at McKinley High School in Chicago.

On Dec 21, 1937 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,was premiered at the Carthay Theater in Los Angeles it was the first full-length animated musical feature. Also within the next five years him and his studios had created Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, and Bambi. The materials he used to create his animation where nothing spectacular he would just use color pencils a marker and paint.

People often say that he made "Americas dream come true". Even 30 years after his death we still  continue to love and admire his work remembering all the iconic characters and magical story's.

Monday 14 March 2016

Flip Book Animation

The materials i used to create this animation was quite simple i used sticky notes and pen. To create my animation i drew the stick man and the ball and goal on a sticky note then i would draw the them again on another note but i would move the stick man and ball closer to the goal to make it look like he was kicking the ball. I repeated this step until i thought my animation was complete. What i thought was successful was that it looked like the boy had kicked the ball into the goal. what i think could be improved is that i could have made the animation a bit longer and have more detail.

Computer animation or Computer Generated Imagery

CGI is were images can be scanned into the computer using digital photography or made with the computer itself. Human Characters are usually made out of clay and the furniture is made using similar design systems that architects use. Then these models are scanned into the computer as wire models which are gradually edited by adding colours and textured forms. Computers are a lot cheaper to use than traditional techniques.  Again Disney & Pixtar was the first company to make a full feature length film using this technique "Toy Story"

Sunday 13 March 2016

Model animation

Model animation is were you use 3D models to create your animation. The materials you could use are Plasticine, clay or wire or any other material that can be formed into another shape. The models are filmed and then moved slightly and filmed again. Then the shots are put together to create the film and make it look like if the models were actually moving. Models can be used again and again they can be shot in different scenes or you could make copies of the models so they be filmed at the same time so it doesn't take as long to film. a well known model animator is ardman animations who create animations such as Wallace and Gromit ,Shawn the Sheep , Chicken Run and Flushed Away.

Cut-Out Animation

Cut Out Animation is where you cut out shapes are cutout and moved around and replaced by other shapes. For this animation you can use a range of  material such as paper, fabric and photographs. Other flat objects can be used in this type of animation for example buttons and string. Cutouts can be laid on top of drawings to use a background for your drawings.This is a very fast way to create animations but if you have more than one object it can be become difficult. Also sometimes they can be seen as bit stiff.

Hand Drawn Animation

Drawn Animation is were you create a a series of drawings that is replaced to create a sequence. But each Drawing is bit different to the one before. It works in a Similar way to a flip book does. Animated films using this technique are made up of thousands of drawings which are shown one after another to create the movie. The company which is most profound for using this technique is Disney. who was the first studio to produce a feature length film using this technique "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Disney produced 54 films using this technique excluding the films they created with Pixar studios.

My Object Animation

The objects we used for this animation were a pencil case and chocolate eggs. For the background of our animation we used white paper. For start the animation we opened the pencil case we did this by opening the zip slightly then taking a photograph every time we opened it a bit further then when the zip was open we would slowly take the objects out of the pencil case and slowly move them off the page. when we finished with pencil we brought in another object the chocolate eggs this time we brought the eggs in a line then scatted them out a bit till they finally went in to the bag at the end, but we deiced  to leave a egg behind  and let it jump into the pencil case. For our final piece of our animation it was similar to our first part but this time the pencils drew onto the page. what i think could be improved is next time make the drawings a bit bigger so that you could see them on the camera better or make a more detailed drawing if we had more time .  what i think was successful was that the animation as whole flowed well and did  not go out of focus.

Thursday 10 March 2016

My Cut Out Animation

The materials I used for my cut paper animation was black card and white paper. I used the white paper for the background of my animation and I used the black card to create the scenery and the lions. I firstly sketched out the lions body shapes on to the black card I split up lions body into seven separate pieces the head,tail,legs and the body. The first time I tried to film my animation the camera position would keep changing which made my animation not as clean as I would have liked. So I put my camera onto tripod so that the position would stay the same. I did all the body parts when creating my animation the only thing I moved on the lions was there legs and sometimes there heads or body. To make it look like if the lions were moving I moved the scenery around to make it look like they were walking across Africa. What I think was successful about my animation was that the lions looked like they was walking across Africa and did not look unrealistic what I would improve is maybe making my animation a bit longer and maybe creating some more scenery around the lion.